Friday, June 30th 2017


A) 5x max sets of kipping toes to bar. Rest 90 secs-2 minutes after each attempt.

 B) 20 minute EMOM: 1) 1-2 rope climbs 2) 5 touch and go clean and jerks (135/95lb) 3) 10 burpees to a 12″ target 4) rest


A) Goal to accumulate 100+ in 5 sets B) 175/125lb, 1 legless + 1 w/ legs

Metcon Class

 A) 3 rounds of

25 wallballs + 200m carry w/wallball + 1 db (70/50lb)

Rest 5 minutes

B) 3 rounds of

25 kb swings-100ft burpee broad jump
