Saturday, July 29th 2017


Partner WOD

5 rounds each I-go-you-go: Row 15/10 calories + 15 wallballs

Then 5 rounds each I-go-you-go: 10 deadlifts (185/135lb)+ 6 pullups

Then 5 rounds each I-go-you-go: 10 burpees over the bar

*35 minute time cap

*So partner A does 1 round of row + wallball. Then Partner B does 1 round row + wallball. Repeat until total of 10 rounds. Then they move on to accumulating 10 total rounds of deadlift + pull-ups, etc etc.


225/155lb and 10 pullups

Metcon Class

5 rounds

*After each round, walk back from fence as rest period

100ft farmers carry (70/50lb)

30 mountain climbers

15 db push press

15 abmat situps

100m sprint

