Tuesday, August 8th 2017


A) 10 minute EMOM: 1-2 split jerks, with 2 second pause in catch position before recovering feet.

*Ascending weight as form allows

B) 20 minute AMRAP I-go-you-go style.

Run 200m w/slamball+ 50 ft slamball lunge (50/40lb)

*Substitute plate (35-55lb) for slamball if equipment is short

*One partner completes run and slamball lunge before the next partner can go.

Metcon Class 

A) 5 minute AMRAP:

2 rounds of 20 American kb swings (53/35lb) + 20 wallballs. IN remaining time max calorie bike

Rest 5 minutes.

B) 5 minute AMRAP:

2 rounds of 20 alternating db snatches (50/35lb)-20 pushups

In remaining time max calorie bike

Rest 5 minutes.

C) Repeat A and B again with 5 minute rest in between.

*Can use assault bike/airdyne/watt bike
