Tuesday, October 31st 2017


A) Back squat 5-3-3-1-1. Start @80% 1RM and build up to 90-95% 1RM .

Go every 3 minutes

*Optional superset of 5-8 strict chinups after each set

B) 12 minute EMOM:

2 touch and go squat cleans + 6-8 burpees

*Choose a challenging but sustainable weight. Possibly around 60-70% 1RM

Metcon Class 

A) 10x 14/9 cal row sprint. Go every 90 seconds.

*These are all out sprints. If exceeding 45 seconds of work, cut reps by 2 cals

B) For quality:

10 strict pullups-20 heavy slamball squats-30 hand release pushups -20 heavy slamball squats- 10 strict pullups


