Friday, December 1st 2017


A) 8 minute alternating EMOM:

1) 5-10 strict pullups 2) 5-10 kipping HSPU

B) Partner WOD:

Run 400m

Then I-go-you-go for 3 rounds each of

10 double kb clean and jerks (2×53/35lb)

Then Run 400m

Then I-go-you-go for 3 rounds each of

10 kb snatches (5/arm)(1×53/35lb)

Then run 400m

*So partners run together, but only one person works on kb movements. For clean and jerks and snatches, one person does 10 reps, then the next person does 10 reps, until they accumulate 60 reps total


A) deficit kipping HSPU B) 70/53lb kb just for kb snatches

Metcon Class 

10 rounds of

250m row-12 plate GTOH (45/25lb)-10 toes to bar

Rest 90 secs after each round

