Monday, January 8th 2017


A) 6×3 mins on 2 min off alternating between 1 and 2.

1) Run 400m then AMRAP 4 pullups-8 pushups-12 air squats

2) Run 400m then AMRAP 5 power cleans (95/65lb) + 5 box jumps

*Scale run to 300m if not getting around a minute for the AMRAP

*Scale pull-ups to jumping pull-ups if needed



Metcon Class 

A) 12 min alternating EMOM:

1) Row 10-15 calories 2) 6-9 db GTOH (35/25lb or 50/35lb)

Rest 5 minutes

B) 12 minute alternating EMOM:

1) 1 lap around rig farmers carry (53-70/35-53lb per hand) 2) 10-15 burpees
