Thursday, July 5th 2018


A) 12 minute alternating EMOM

1) Deadlifts 5 reps. No touch and go. Reset after each rep (aka powerlifting style)

2) 3-5 high seated box jumps

3) rest

B) For time:

12 hang squat cleans (155/105lb)

12 bar facing burpees

3 wall walks

9 hang squat cleans

9 bar facing burpees

3 wall walks

6 hang squat cleans

6 bar facing burpees

3 wall walks



Metcon Class 

1 minute stations for max reps

24 minute EMOM:

1) slamballs

2) single arm db hang clean and push press (switch hands every 5 reps) (50/35lb)

3) wallballs

4) db box step ups (35/25lb)

5) assault bike cals

6) rest
