Thursday, November 15th 2018


A) Find a 1 rep max back squat in a 25 minute time cap

B) 10 minute AMRAP:

6 db renegade row pushups

6 db power cleans

6 db hang squat cleans

6 db push press (35/25lb)



Metcon Class 

A) Alternating EMOM:

1) 15 kb swings (53/35lb) 2) Max calorie bike

*Your workout is over when you accumulate 100/85 calories

*20 minute time cap

*Scale to 10 kb swings if needed.

Rest 5-10 minutes

B) 10 minute alternating EMOM: 1) 5-8 strict pullups 2) max wallballs

*Goal is to accumulate between 100-130 wallballs
