Thursday, February 28th 2019


A) Back squat 5×5 @ 80-85%

*30 minute cap

*This is the last week of 5x5s

*Scale down percentages if you haven’t come every week

*If percentage is very challenging do 4×5

B) 8 minute AMRAP:

8 kb snatches (50/35lb) (4/side)

8 hand release pushups

8 box jumps (24/20″)


HSPU instead of pushups

Metcon Class 

5 rounds for time

Rest 2 minutes after every round

30 mountain climbers

10 wallballs (20/14lb)

20 jumping lunges

10 wallballs

15 burpees

10 wallballs

*Goal is to try and sprint each round, especially on those 15 burpees at the end of each round. Do unbroken wallballs and for an added challenge scale up to 30/20lb ball
