Wednesday, April 10th 2019


“Dead Broke”

A) In a 5:00 Window
Buy-in: 50/35 cal row.
Time remaining AMRAP 12 deadlifts-8 box jump overs (185/135lb) or (155/105lb)
Rest 5 min
B) In a 5:00 window buy in 35/25 calorie row
Time remaining AMRAP: 8 deadlifts-8 box jump overs (225/155lb) or (185/135lb)
Rest 5 minutes
C) In a 5 minute window buy in 20/15 cal row.
Time remaining: 4 DLs (275/185lb) or (225/155lb)-8 box jump overs
*If you cannot maintain a pace on the rower of 1100 cal + for men and 900

cal + for women, scale each row by 5 calories to get enough time on the AMRAP


Rx+: (225/155lb)-(275/185lb) (315/215lb)
