Wednesday, May 17th 2017


A) 12 minute alternating EMOM 1) 5-10 kipping/butterfly pullups or 5-15 CTB or 3-6 ring MU 2) 20 second L-sit hold 3) 5-8 pistols/leg

B) 2 rounds for time of

Row 500m-30 front squats (95/65lb) -20 power cleans -10 push jerks – Run 400m



Metcon class 

A) 3 rounds of 20 burpee box jumps-10 slamball over shoulder (50lb or 100lb slamball).

Rest 5 minutes

B) 3 rounds of 20/15 cal assault bike-10 heavyish db GTOH (50/35lb)

Rest 5 minutes

C) Coaches choice
