Monday, August 19th 2019


A) Back squat deload: 5×5 @60% 1RM.
Focus on control down and speed up.
Superset with accessory movement of choice.
B) 9 minute ascending ladder:
2 Power snatch (95/65lb)-2 OH Lunge- 2 hand release pushups
*Ascend by 2 reps every round. So 2-2-2-4-4-4-6-6-6 etc etc

WOD Notes

Mondays will be squat day for the next four weeks. This week we will have a deload week and then we will test a 1RM back squat next week. The metcon today will be taxing on the lungs and shoulders. Consider narrowing your grip for the last snatch of each set before the OH lunges because a narrower grip OH lunge will be a little less taxing on the shoulders.
