Monday, March 16th 2020


A) Every 30 seconds for 8 minutes
1 snatch @ 75-80%
B) 5 rounds for time:
14 db overhead squats (50/35lb) (7/arm)-2 rope climbs-Run 200m


70/50lb db

At Home Bodyweight Workout

Death by burpees starting at 1 rep and ascending 1 rep each round.
When you can no longer finish a round of burpees, start death by jumping air squats where you left off ascending by two reps each round.

*Workout flow: Set clock to an EMOM. Minute 1 perform 1 burpee. Minute 2 perform 2 burpees. Let’s say on minute 16 you only get 14 out of the 16 burpees. Then on minute 17 you start with 17 jumping air squats. Next minute, 19 jumping air squats. Next minute 21 jumping air squats until you can no longer complete the jumping air squats in the minute.
