Tuesday, May 5th 2020


2 rounds of:
20 skaters
10 odd object/db deadlifts + 10 odd object/db good mornings
8-10 odd object/db tempo strict presses (1 second hold, 3 second descent)(4-5/side with db)
10 feet together/knee together squats + 15 second hold at bottom of last rep
20 second hollow hold + 20 second arch hold

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am): https://zoom.us/j/937394320?pwd=T1RoZXRxSTNDMVhQNERJNEJLM3N2Zz09

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am): https://zoom.us/j/798729293?pwd=cUxFZS9RODJwdk5sSGpaYnB4emVmdz09

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 8 minute ascending ladder
2-4-6-8-10…etc etc alternating single db clean + split jerk
4-8-12-16-20….etc etc jumping air squats
*So do 2x jumping air squats, so 2 clean + jerks-4 jumping air squats, then 4-8, 6-12, 8-16, etc etc
*See video on SFCF members facebook page for demo of db clean and split jerks

B) 20×30 secs on 30 secs off max reps of:
1) hand release pushups
2) left leg single leg glute bridge thrusts (slight pause at top of each rep)
3) upright rows
4) right leg single leg glute bridge thrusts
5) bicep curls
*So you will end up doing 4 rounds through of each of the 5 movements
*See video on SFCF members facebook page for demo of glute bridge thrusts and options for upright rows
*For bicep curls, hold one db with hands holding opposite heads of the db

Bodyweight WOD

A) Lower body Supersets
3 rounds of:
45-60 second wall sit
16-20 alternating pistols
20 alternating step ups
Rest 90 seconds
*If you are stepping up to a low height, hold a weight to make it a bit harder.

B) 10 minute AMRAP:
20 weighted backpack romanian deadlifts (RDLS)
30 double unders
15 pushups
30 double unders
*Sub 50 single unders or 30 high vertical hops for double unders
*See video on SFCF members facebook page for demo of backpack RDLs
