Wednesday, May 6th 2020

2 rounds
10 plank to bottom of squat + 5 plank tuck jumps
5/leg single leg glute bridges +20 sec glute bridge hold
4 inchworms as far out as possible
4 hand release pushups
with 2 second pause when hands release from ground
4 dive bomb pushups
5/leg tempo stationary lunges (3 seconds up/3 seconds down)

Minimal Equipment WOD @8:00 am
with Coach Lisa

Bodyweight WOD @10:00 am
with Coach Mike

Minimal Equipment WOD

30 minute AMRAP:
100 double unders
80 russian kb/db swings
60 curtsy reverse lunges (weighted with db/kb or unweighted)
40 burpees
20 alt. devils press
*Sub 200 single unders or 100 high vertical hops for double unders

Bodyweight WOD

A) 20×30 secs on 30 secs off max reps:
(4 rounds of each movement)
1) mountain climbers
2) broad jump + bear crawl back
3) backpack hang clean + push press
4) handstand or elevated shoulder taps
5) 2 side shuffles with lateral hand touch
*For movement 2, do a broad jump and then reverse bear crawl back to where you started
*See SFCF members Facebook page for video demo of 2 side shuffles with hand touch

B) 3 rounds for quality of:
10 weighted kang squats controlled tempo
30 second right side plank + 10-15 leg lifts in side plank
30 second left side plank + 10-15 leg lifts in side plank

Functional Bodybuilding @7am

2 Rounds
10 Plank to Down Dog Toe Taps
10 Alt. Curtsy to Cossack Squats
10 Alt. Switch to Reverse Plank Bridges

A1) Arnold Z-Press: 8-10/arm
A2) Cross-Body Single Leg RDL: 8-10/Leg; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

B1) DB Half-Kneeling Windmill Press: 6-8 Reps/Side
B2) Shrimp Squat: 8-10 Reps/Leg
B3) Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold: 20-30sec/Leg; Rest 2min x 3 Sets

C) 3 Set Finisher
10 Push-up to Cross-Body Plank Row
10 Half Turkish Sit-ups (5/side)
10 Curl-Halo-Tricep Extension Complex (5/side)
