Saturday, May 9th 2020


2 sets of 10 squat jacks + 20 skaters
2 sets of 30 second wall sit + 30 second wall sit marches + 10 cossack squats
10 bear crawl in and outs
5 reps of 2 sec down dog stretch to up dog
10 db/odd object rows + 10 db/odd object strict presses

Minimal Equipment WOD @8:00am with Coach Geoff
Bodyweight WOD @10:00am with Coach Lisa

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 8 rounds of:
8 single arm db thrusters
8 tuck-ups
8 plank to bottom of squat
8 split stance bent over db row
EMOM: 4 burpees over db
*17 minute time cap
*On every minute, including first minute, buy in with 4 burpees over db. Then in remaining time chip away at 8 rounds. For db thrusters and db rows, use one arm for 1 full round and then switch arms on the next round.
*If you want to make it more challenging and you have a pair of dbs, you can do db thrusters with one in each hand.

B) 12 x 20 seconds on 10 secs off alternating between:
1) weighted bottom of good morning static hold
2) hollow hold
3) seated leg lifts ( can be in pike or straddle position)

Bodyweight WOD

A) 10 minute EMOM:
Backpack clusters + lateral hops over backpack
*You choose the reps. Whatever reps of clusters you choose to do, do 2x that many lateral hops. For example, if you choose 6 clusters, then every round you will do 6 clusters + 12 lateral hops over backpack

B) 10 minute alternating EMOM:
1) max reps weighted knees to standing **
2) 5-6 reps of 2 pushups to bottom of squat
*For minute 1, first 30 seconds hold backpack overhead, second 30 seconds hold it in front of body.
*Do these like the plank to bottom of squat. So you will do 2 pushups, then jump to the bottom of an air squat. That is one rep. Then jump back to plank to do pushups again.

C) 12 x 20 seconds on 10 secs off alternating between:
1) weighted bottom of good morning static hold
2) hollow hold
3) seated leg lifts ( can be in pike or straddle position)
