Friday, May 22nd 2020

2 rounds of:
30 second 90 degree squat hold
10 bootstrapper squats
5 tempo squats
5/side kneeling T-spine rotations
5 tempo bent over rows
10 front raises holding light object

Minimal Equipment WOD @ 8am

Bodyweight WOD @ 10am

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 20 minute EMOM:
1st 10 minutes alt between:
1) 10-12 burpees
2) 10 alt. db clusters
2nd 10 minutes, every minute complete:
5-6 burpees + 5-6 alt. db hang clean and jerks

B) 8 minute EMOM:
1st 4 minutes: 10-12 weighted glute bridge thrusts
2nd 4 minutes: 30 second superman hold or 40 second weighted chinese plank

Bodyweight WOD

Every 3 minutes for 8 rounds alternate between A and B
A) 10 plank to bottom of squat + 20 jumping air squats + 10 weighted knees to standing
B) 10 plank to pushup + 20 backpack push press + 10 hand release pushups
*If getting more than 1 minute 45 second rest, increase reps to 12 from 10. Aim for around 90 secs work, 90 secs rest
