Tuesday, May 26th 2020

20 PVC/broomstick/jumprope pass throughs
30 seconds/side pigeon stretch
15/side leg swings
10 Alt. perfect stretch, step back to down dog between each rep
30 second handstand hold
10 bridge ups
20 jumping jacks

Minimal Equipment WOD

22 minute AMRAP for quality
(controlled tempo throughout)
With right arm complete:
2 turkish get-ups
10 suitcase deadlifts
10 front rack split squats (right leg forward)
10 push press
Then 1 minute plank
With left arm complete:
2 turkish get-ups
10 suitcase deadlifts
10 front rack split squats (left leg forward)
10 push press
30 second side plank/side

Bodyweight WOD

22 minute AMRAP for quality:
10 reps of backpack clean + 2 alt. lunges
1 wall walk
20 russian twists
1 wall walk
10/side single leg elevated glute bridges
1 wall walk
20 object plank pass throughs
1 wall walk
