Wednesday, June 3rd 2020

2 rounds of:
40 jumping jacks
30 second handstand hold
5 tempo pushups
5 halos/side
10 jump switch to perfect stretch
10 bootstrapper squats + 5 tempo squats + 5 squat jacks

Minimal Equipment 8am

Bodyweight 10am

Minimal Equipment WOD @ 4pm

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 20 minute alt. EMOM:
1) 6 goblet knees to standing + 8-10 goblet squats
2) R arm: 5-6 floor press + 1/2 turkish get-up (to standing) + 5-6 push press + 1/2 turkish get up (to lying down)
3) L arm: 5-6 floor press + 1/2 turkish get-up + 5-6 push press + 1/2 turkish get up
4) 5 diamond pushups + 5 wide pushups + 1 wall walk
*If not getting 20 secs rest each minute, reduce reps

B) 2 rounds for time of:
50 air squats
30 tuck jumps

Bodyweight WOD

A) 21-15-9
lateral squat jumps over backpack/object
backpack/object clean and jerks

B) Every 2 minutes for 14 minute complete:
10-12 alt. goblet forward reverse lunges
4-6 diamond pushups
4-6 wide pushups

Functional Bodybuilding @ 7am

2 Sets
10/Leg Single Leg Prisoner Good Morning
10 Low Switch Cossack Squats
10 Prone Ys
10 alt. Elbow Plank to Side Plank

A1) Suitcase Cyclist Squat: 10-12 Reps (Switch Hands Half-way)
A2) Gorilla Rows: 10-12 Reps/arm; Rest 90sec x 3 Sets

B1) Single Leg Hip Thrust: 8-10/leg
B2) Tall Kneeling Single Arm Push Press: 8-10/arm; Rest 90sec x 3 Sets

C) 3 Sets for Quality:
10-12 1 1/4 Curls
10-12 Tricep Extensions
10-12 Happy Star to V-ups
