Friday, June 26th 2020

Outdoor WOD

Go every 7 minutes for 28 minutes
alt. between A & B for 2 rounds of each.
1) Building lap run + 12 power clean and jerks (95/65lb) + 20 box jump overs (24/20″)
2) Building lap run + 12 power snatches (95/65lb)+ 20 box jump overs (24/20″)
*If you get 1:30 or less rest each round, scale to 10 reps of barbell movements + 15 box jump overs
*If you get more than 2:45-3:00+ minute rest, do 15 reps of barbell movements each round

Home WOD

4 rounds
Rest 2 minutes after each round
Alternate between A and B for 2 rounds of each
A) Run 400m + 16 alt. db clean and jerks + 15 burpees over db
B) Run 400m + 16 alt. db snatches + 15 burpees over db
