Friday, July 17th 2020

Outdoor WOD

A) Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes complete:
30 second 90 degree goblet squat hold (50/35lb kb).
Then 6-8 reps pause back squat.
*Pause 1 second at the bottom of each rep. Choose a challenging but sustainable weight. You can stay at the same weight or ascend in weight.

B) 5 rounds of:
25 russian kb swing (53/35lb)
20 abmat situps
60 double unders
Rest 1 minute after each round

Home WOD

A) 5 rounds of
45 second goblet wall sit hold
Then 10 pause goblet squats
Rest 90 seconds after each round

B) 5 rounds of:
25 russian kb/db swing (53/35lb)
20 abmat situps
60 double unders
Rest 1 minute after each round.
