Wednesday, August 19th 2020

Outdoor WOD

A) Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds:
1 Hang squat clean + + 1 front squat + 2 split jerk
*First split jerk pause 1 second in catch position before recovering feet *Choose a medium heavy weight and stick with it for all 8 rounds. Keep a technique focus.

B) 16x 30 seconds on 30 off
max reps of
1) russian kb swing
2) kb suitcase deadlift
3) kb snatch
4) single arm kb floor press
*4 rounds of each, so on movements 2-4 stick with 1 arm on first round and the other arm on the next round. So 2 rounds with left arm and 2 rounds with right arm

Home WOD

A) 4 sets per arm:
Turkish get up situp + 1/2 turkish get up (to standing) + 5 strict press + 1/2 turkish get up (to lying).
After you complete 1 on each side superset with 16 rainbow planks.
B) 16x 30 seconds on 30 off max reps of alternating between :
1) russian kb swing
2) kb suitcase deadlift
3) kb snatch
4) single arm kb floor press
*4 rounds of each, so on movements 2-4
stick with 1 arm on first round and the other arm on the next round
*Can sub db for all movements
