Wednesday, October 7th 2020

Home WOD

A) 1 snatch pull with pause at knee + 1-2 below the knee hang snatches.
Go every 90 seconds for 8 rounds.
*Ascend in weight as form allows

B) For time:
15 power snatch
20 abmat situps
15 thrusters
20 hollow rocks
10 power snatches
20 sit-ups
10 thrusters
20 hollow rocks
5 power snatch
20 situps
5 thrusters
20 hollow rocks
Rx: 115/75lb Rx+: 135/95lb.
*Weight should be on the heavier side for thrusters. Power snatches can be done in singles.

Outdoor WOD

A) 4 sets for quality:
10 upright rows
5/side tempo single arm db overhead squats (3 second descent)
1 turkish get up/side
B) For time:
20 alt. db snatch -20 abmat situps
20 single arm db thrusters-20 hollow rocks
16 alt. db power snatches-20 sit-ups
16 single arm db thrusters-20 hollow rocks
10 alt. db power snatches-20 situps
10 single arm db thrusters-20 hollow rocks
