If you are really worried about this, read this article. (http://www.stumptuous.com/this-just-in-high-rep-low-weight-toning-is-crap) But the short answer is no, lifting weights will not bulk you up. In fact, it will help you burn more calories and look better naked.
Today's WOD
Saturday, November 14th 2020
Outdoor WOD
Geoff B-Day WOD
Buy in: 39 pushups
Then 11 rounds of:
12 box jumps (24/20”)
3 Db overhead squats (50/35lb)
9 Db push jerks
(Stick with same arm for one full round. Switch arms on consecutive rounds. One arm will do an extra round)
Buy out:
19 single arm alt Db devils press
81 burpees over Db
DOB: 11/12/1981