Wednesday, June 7th 2017


A) @ min 0- Kelly

5 rounds for time of 400m run-30 box jumps-30 wallballs

@ min 35- 10 minutes to find a heavy single power clean + push jerk

@ min 45- time cap.

Metcon class

A) Partner WOD: Accumulate 10 rounds total I-go-you-go style of

15 kb swings-7 burpees over the rower-20/15 calorie row.

*So partner A goes through entire round. Then partner B goes through entire round while partner A rests.

Repeat this until Partner A and B get 5 rounds each.

B) 4 rounds for quality:

8 ring pushups-8 tempo goblet squats (62/44lb kb) (tempo 2020)- 8 V ups
