Friday, June 16th 2017


A) 10 minute alternating EMOM: 1) 4-8 strict pullups 2) 5-10 kipping HSPU

B) 5 rounds of

18/14 calorie row-12 kb snatches (6/arm) (53/35lb)-50ft kb weighted duck walk


A) strict CTB pullups and deficit kipping HSPU B) 70/53lb

Metcon class 

A) 100 wallballs (20/14lb) in as few sets as possible.

*Not for time, rest as needed between sets.

B) 100 American kb swings (53/35lb) in as few sets as possible.

*Not for time. Rest as needed between sets.

C) Alternating double tabata

16 rounds of 20 secs on 10 secs off alternating between 1) double unders 2) hollow rocks
