Wednesday, August 16th 2017


A) back squat 2×5@70%. Then 3×5 @75%. Superset with 5-10 tempo bar/ring dips.

*Tempo 3 seconds down/fast up

B) 10 minute amrap:

8 deadlifts-8 hang power cleans (135/95lb)-8 burpee box jumps



Metcon Class 

A) 2 rounds for time of:

50/35 calorie assault bike-30 kb goblet cleans-40 russian kb swings-50 mountain climbers

*On airdyne 75/60 cals

B) 3-4 rounds for quality: 10 single arm db press w/3 second eccentric (5/side) + 5-10 ring rows w/2sec pause at top of each rep

