Wednesday, January 3rd 2017


A) 8 min alternating EMOM:

1) 5-10 kipping HSPU 2) 4-8 wide grip strict pullups

B) 3 rounds of

21 STOH (95/65lb)-15 power cleans-9 overhead squats

EMOM 4 burpees

*18 minute time cap

*So every minute, including the first minute, buy in with 4 burpees before doing the barbell work.

If needed, scale # burpees.



Metcon Class 

A) 2 rounds for time of:

30 db thrusters (35/25lb) or (50/35lb)-30 db box step ups (20/18″ box)-90 double unders

B) 3 rounds of

15 each partner medball toss situps-15/side russian twists w/medball-1 minute plank
