Saturday, December 8th 2018


Partner WOD:

10 rounds total I-go-you-go style of:

200m wallball run (20/14lb)-20 alternating db snatches (50/35lb) (or 35/25lb)

After every 2 rounds completed, partners must complete 20 (total) partner throw wallball situps before the next partner goes

Then 10 rounds total I-go-you-go style of

10 kipping toes to bar-10 db goblet squats

*40 minute time cap

*So for the first part, partner 1 does 1 round of run and db snatches, then partner 2 completes 1 round of run and db snatches and then they both do 20 partner wallball throw sit-ups and they repeat this 5x.


