Wednesday, April 26th 2017


12 minute EMOM 1) 1-3 skin the cats 2) 5-10 strict HSPU or scale to box HSPU or 3-5 slow HSPU negatives 3) 30 sec hollow body hold or 20 hollow body rocks

B) I-go-you-go partner WOD alternating between A and B for 3 rounds of A and B per person

A) 500 m row B) 6 deadlifts-6 hang power cleans-6 front squats-6 alternating front rack lunges-6 push jerks (95/65lb)

 *25 minute time cap.

*So athlete 1 does 500m row while athlete 2 rests. Then athlete 2 does 500m row. Then athlete 1 does barbell complex. Then athlete 2 does barbell complex. That is one full round. Repeat 3x

*Choose weight you can do barbell complex unbroken or in 2 sets


115/75lb or 135/95lb

Metcon class 

A) 10 min alternating EMOM: 1) 15-20 wallballs 2) 5-10 strict pushups + 4-6 strict pullups

Rest 5 minutes

B) 10 min alternating EMOM: 1) 10-15 burpees 2) 10 weighted step ups (5/leg)(20/18″ box)

C) Coaches choice
