Thursday, April 27th 2017


A) Deadlift 6-6-5-5. Start at 70% and work up to 80-85%.

Superset w/ Db strict press 4×10.

Go every 3 and a half minutes.

B) 8 minute alternating EMOM 1) double kb front rack carry 40m or 2x length of rig (53/35lb) 2) 15 burpees.

3 minute rest

C) 8 minute alternating EMOM 1) heavy db farmers carry (70/50lb) 40m or 2xlength of rig 2) 20 wallballs


100/70lb db farmers carry

Metcon class 

A) 50/40 calorie row-50 jumping air squats.

Rest 5 minutes.

B) 40/30 calorie assault bike-30 db thrusters (35/25lb).

Rest 5 minutes.

C) 50/40 calorie row-40 box jumps  (20/18″ box).

Rest 5 minutes.

D) 40/30 cal assault bike-30 abmat situps
