Thursday, June 8th 2017


16 minute alternating EMOM:

1) single or double kb OH walk 100ft  2) 10 heavy db push press 3) 8 db bulgarian split squats/leg 4) rest

B) 5 rounds of 15 secs on 45 secs off for max reps of : 1) Thruster (115/75lb) 2) Calorie Row/Assault bike 3) Burpees


135/95lb, only if you can cycle this weight quickly

Metcon class 

Run 400m

21-15-9 db GTOH (35/25lb dbs)- burpee

Run 400m

21-15-9 alternating db snatch (50/35lb db)- db goblet squat

Run 400m

21-15-9 db box step up (35/25lb dbs)(20/18″ box)-pullup

Run 400m

*All reps are total reps, so db snatches and box step ups will be one rep uneven each round
