Tuesday, July 11th 2017


A) 4×8 back squat @60-65%.

Superset with 4-8 tempo strict pullups. Tempo 2020

*If no pullups, then 4-5 reps jump to chin over bar hold and slowly lower down

B) 6 rounds for time of

 8 alternating db snatches (50/35lb)- 8 single arm DB Overhead squats- 8 high box jumps (30/24″)

*Switch arms on overhead squats each consecutive round


70/50lb db and 36/30″ box jumps

Metcon Class

A) 5x400m sprint. Go every 4 minutes.

 B) 15-12-9 strict pullup-strict dips-heavy goblet squat (70/53lb)
