Thursday, July 20th 2017


A) 12 minute EMOM:

1) 10 front rack lunges @ challenging weight (5/side)

2) 50ft handstand walk or handstand walk practice/drills

3) rest

B) 100 wallballs in as few sets as possible. Not for time.

*Workout approach: Go for a max set of unbroken wallballs. Rest a few minutes. Go for another max unbroken set, rest, repeat.

*If you start hitting lower on target, your set is over.

C) 50 burpees to a 6 inch target above reach, for time.

Metcon Class 

A) 5 rounds of

300m forward/backward suicide sprint-12 db clean and jerks (35/25lb).

Rest 2 minutes after each round.

 B) 15 minute alternating EMOM:

1) Single arm farmers carry (70-100lb/50-70lb) 2) 1 turkish get up/per side (53/35lb) 3) rest
