Partner WOD:
Run 400m
80 wallballs
Run 400m
80 clean and jerks (95/65lb)
Run 400m w/partner
80 toes to bar
Run 400m w/partner
80 front squats (95/65lb)
Run 400m w/partner
80 box jumps
Run 400m w/partner
*Athletes run together but split up reps however they’d like
*Weight should be light, so scale accordingly
Metcon Class
A) For time:
300 double unders-200 air squats-100 pushups-50 burpees to a 6’target
*Scaling options: 600 single unders
*For first time/beginner athletes, cut reps by 1/3 or 1/2, or split reps with a partner
B) Coaches choice