Saturday, December 23rd 2017


12 min AMRAP with Partner, 1 partner working at a time
2 rope climbs
14 squat cleans (135/95)
20 burpees
5 min rest
12 min alternating EMOM
a) 2-4 wall walks
b) 200-250 m row
c) 10-15 squat jumps



Metcon Class 

12 Days of Christmas 
1 wall walk
2 db GTOH (35/25lb)
3 db clusters
4 db front squats
5 pull-ups
6 toes to bar
7 burpees
8 box jumps
9 OH plate sit-ups (45/25lb)
10 kb swings (53/35lb)
11 hand release push-ups
12 db lunges (per leg)
*The workout is performed like the song, so 1 wall walk, then 2 GTOH + 1 wall walk, then 3 clusters + 2 GTOH + 1 wall walk, etc until you end with 12 down to 1.
