Thursday, December 28th 2017


A) 8 rounds. Go every 90 seconds.

Push jerk + Split jerk

B) 15 (touch and go) power clean and jerks (155/105lb)

Run 400m

12 clean and jerks

Run 400m

9 clean and jerks

Run 400m

*Every time you break a set of touch and go clean and jerks, Run 400m

*22 minute cap

*Athletes should pick a weight that they might be able to do 10 unbroken touch and go reps at, but not 15.



Metcon Class

A) 21 minute AMRAP:

Bike 15/12 calories-12 burpee box jump overs-12 alternating db snatches (50/35lb)-12 single arm db OH squats

B) For quality:

10 strict toes to bar-20 V-ups-30 hollow rocks-40 abmat-situps-50 second plank hold
