Tuesday, April 17th 2018


A) 12 minute alternating EMOM:

1) 8-10 tempo pushups (2020)

2) 5-10 weighted dips

3) rest

B) 6×2 min on 1 min off

alternating between 1) and 2)

1) Row 250M then AMRAP: 4 squat cleans (95/65lb)+8 kb swings (50/35lb)

2) 60 DU then AMRAP: 8 knees to elbows + 8 slamballs (30/20lb)


135/95lb and 40/30lb slamball

Metcon Class 

A) 20 minute alternating EMOM:

1) 12-14/8-10 calorie assault bike

2) 10 wallballs + 5-10 pullups/ring rows

3) 10 burpees + 5-10 hand release pushups

4) rest

B) Coaches choice
