Tuesday, April 23rd 2019


A) 5×3 snatch balance @60%+ of 1RM snatch
Superset with core or upper body movement of choice
*Choose a weakness and do 4-8 reps or 20-30 second hold. Examples: strict/kipping ttb, db strict press, MU, L-sit hold, hollow hold, ring dip, V-up. *20 minute time cap
B) Nicole: 20 minute AMRAP: Run 400m-max rep unbroken pullups
*Scaling options: Scale to a banded variety that allows you to get at least a set of 8 in the first few rounds

Metcon Class

A) 5×2 min on 1 min off: 10 db devils press (35/25lb)-max calorie row
Rest 5-10 minutes
B) Coaches choice
