Wednesday, August 21st 2019


A) 6 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 5 strict pullups
2) 8-10 ring rows
Directly into 6 minute EMOM:
5-10 kipping pullups
B) 14 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 5 heavy touch and go power cleans (155/105lb) 2) 15 wallballs


A) kipping CTB B) (165-185lb/115-135lb) + 20 wallballs

WOD Notes

For the metcon piece tomorrow we have an alternating EMOM. The cleans should be done at a challenging weight. However you should not be failing any reps or catching them in a wide starfish stance or leaning back. Practice efficient, technically sound barbell cycling. You should get a long rest after the cleans. The wallballs will take a little longer and get the heart rate up more and the legs pumping.
