Monday, October 28th 2019


A) 10 minute EMOM:
1-2 reps below the knee hang squat clean @70%+
*Rep starts just below the knee
* Athletes can do 2 reps each minute at lighter weights if desired. At heavier weights stick with one rep per minute.
B) For time:
Building lap run.
Then 5 rounds of :
5 front squats (185/135lb)-8 bar facing burpees
Then Building lap run
*Front squats are from the ground


7 front squats-9 burpees

WOD Notes

The metcon today will start and end with a building lap run. In the middle we will do a spicy combo of heavy front squats and bar facing burpees. The front squats should be on the heavier side but should be done unbroken throughout. Consider doing the first rep as a squat clean. Find a steady pace on the burpees that won’t ramp the heart rate up too much. Stepping in or out the burpee is a good way to keep the heart rate down more.
