Thursday, January 30th 2020


A) Back squat
1×3 @ 83-85%
Rest 2 minutes
Then 1×10 @ 68-70%
Rest as needed then repeat for 2 more sets
*30 minute cap
Add 5-10 lbs each weight each set if possible
B) 10 min AMRAP:
5 touch & go power snatches (95-115lb/65-75lb)
10 box jumps
15 abmat situps

WOD Notes

Today focus is all about those heavy squats. This is the last week of the 4 week cycle and its going to be hard and heavy! Next week we will deload, then test a new 1RM and then start a front squat cycle.

Metcon Class

20 minute AMRAP:
10 single arm db hang clean + jerks (5/arm @ 50lb+/35lb+)
10 burpees over db
12 single arm overhead lunges (6/arm)
12 calorie aerobic of choice
