Friday, March 13th 2020


A) 12×30 on 45 secs off for max reps of :
1) banded hip thrusts
2) heavy kb deadlifts
3) db curl to strict press
*So 4 rounds of each movement. Emphasize quality of movement over quantity
B) 12 minute AMRAP:
7 power snatches (95/65lb)-7 hand release pushups-7 box jump overs
7 squat snatches-7 HSPU-7 box jump overs
*Modify to box pushups for HSPU

At Home Bodyweight WORKOUT

3 rounds for time of:
10 plank to pushup
15 burpees
30 air squats
60 mountain climbers
30 air squats
15 burpees
10 plank to pushup
*Rest 3 minutes after each round
