Wednesday, April 1st 2020

See video on SFCF members page for explanation of knees to squat in bodyweight WOD, skaters and db glute bridge floor press in minimal equipment WOD and lat pullovers in accessory work

Minimal Equipment Workout
Monday – Saturday at 8am

Bodyweight Workout
Monday – Saturday at 10am

Minimal Equipment WOD

8x 90 seconds on 1 minute off alternating between A and B
A) 30 lateral hops over db + 8/side glute bridge db floor press + max reps alternating single db hang clusters in remaining time
B) 20 skaters + 10 alternating pistols + max goblet lunges in remaining time
*Modify pistols to pistols to a couch or chair

Minimal Equipment Accessory Work

3-4 rounds for quality of:
10 db romanian deadlifts (sumo style if using one db)
10 db good mornings
10 db lat pullovers

Bodyweight WOD

3 total rounds through of:
30 seconds max air squats
20 second rest
30 seconds max lateral jumping air squats over object
20 second rest
30 second max knees to bottom of squat holding object in front
20 second rest
30 seconds max hand release pushups or chair dips
20 second rest
30 seconds max plank to pushup
20 second rest
30 second max burpees
20 second rest

Bodyweight Accessory Work

3 rounds for quality of:
15-20 bent over backpack rows
20 russian twists
30 second superman/arch hold
