Thursday, April 2nd 2020

*See video on facebook page for explanation of wall walk modification, reverse burpees, rainbow planks, and pushups with bear crawl in and outs

30 seconds on 20 secs off
1) jumping jacks
2) mountain climbers
3) skaters
Then 2 rounds of:
30 second handstand hold
50ft duck walk with arms locked out overhead
5 windmills/arm
10 alternating long lunges

SFCF Minimal Equipment Workout:

SFCF Bodyweight Workout:

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 4 round for time of:
8 single arm db devils press
4 pushups + bear crawl in and out
8 single arm db overhead squat
6 bear crawl in & outs
*10 minute cap
Rest approx 3 minutes.
B) Repeat A
* Each round do all reps on the same arm, and then switch arms on consecutive rounds. For example round 1, do all left arm devils press and all left arm OH squats. Round 2 do all right arm devils press and right arm OH squats

Bodyweight WOD
A) 12 minute alternating EMOM
1) 10 backpack thrusters + 10 hollow rocks
2) 1 wall walk with 10 shoulder taps + 1 wall walk
*See facebook video for scaling option for wall walks
Rest 3 minutes
B) 10-8-6-4-2
reverse burpee
rainbow planks
*After each round 40 double unders or 40 lateral line hops

Accessory Work

4 rounds
8/side front foot elevated weighted lunges
8/side L-sit db press (tempo 1 second pause at top, 3 seconds down)
45-60 sec side plank
*For lunges, elevate front foot on plates or stack of books. Keep feet. in place for all 8 reps and then switch side
