Friday, April 3rd 2020

*See video on facebook page for explanation of planks in bodyweight WOD and demo of db complex in minimal equipment wod

30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
30 seconds alternating leg kicks
Then 2 rounds of:
30 seconds wall sit. During wall sit bring arms up )against wall to locked out position and down) until time is up
5 reps: In a straddle position, inchworm to pushup + 2 ankle taps
10 glute bridges
5 candlestick roll to pike stretch

SFCF Minimal Equipment Workout:

SFCF Bodyweight Workout:

Minimal Equipment WOD

30 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 10-12 kb/dbs swings + 10 tuck jumps
2) 5-6 single db suitcase deadlifts+5-6 high pulls+5-6 push press
3) 30 second weighted or unweighted elbow plank
*On db complex, do one arm on one round and the next arm on the consecutive round. So you will end up doing 5 rounds with the left arm and 5 rounds with the right arm.

Bodyweight WOD

A) 2 rounds for time of:
30 burpees
40 weighted reverse lunges (backpack or odd object held in front)
30 sit-ups
40 jumping lunges
*16 minute time cap
B) 10×30 seconds on 30 seconds off alternating between
1) plank with left arm extended
2) left leg single leg glute bridge hip thrusts
(shoulders on bench or couch)
3) Plank with right arm extended
4) right leg single leg glute bridge hip thrusts
5) seated leg lifts over object

Accessory Work

3 rounds for quality of:
5/side (weighted) cossack squat *Controlled tempo. Do all 5 on one side, then all 5 on the other
8-10 deficit pushups controlled tempo
If possible 5-10 strict pullups or inverted rows. If not possible, 8/side db bent over rows
6-8/side halos (with plate/db/kb or odd object)
