Saturday, April 4th 2020


2 rounds of:
40 jumping jacks
10 alternating leg kick into long lunge
30ft crabwalk
30ft spiderman crawl
30ft bear crawl

SFCF Minimal Equipment Workout:

SFCF Bodyweight Workout:

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) “Kalsnew” (Comptrain HomeWOD)
100 alternating single arm db clean and jerks for time
Every minute on the minute (including 1st minute) perform 5 burpees over db
*15 minute time cap

B) 12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 5-7/side single leg db/kb RDLs
2) 5 Tempo goblet squats (3 seconds down-3 seconds up)
3) 5/side db bicep curl to press controlled tempo

Bodyweight WOD

A) 6×2 minutes on 90 seconds off:
6 reps of (pushup + 2 shoulder taps)
12 air squats (down- half way up-down-up)*
24 skaters
Max backpack clean and jerks in remaining time
*On air squats, go all the way down, half way up, back down, then up. That is one rep

B) 12 minute alternating EMOM
1) 10 weighted good mornings
2) 5/side plank rotations
3) 5-7/side single leg RDLs holding backpack with both hands
