Tuesday, April 7th 2020

*See video on facebook page for demo of bodyweight wod movements, and rainbow planks, windshield wipers, and split stance lunges in minimal equipment WOD


2 rounds of:
20 jumping jacks
5 down ups
10 scorpions
10 broomstick pass throughs
10 broomstick overhead squats with 10 second hold on last rep
5/side windmills holding object

SFCF Minimal Equipment Workout:

SFCF Bodyweight Workout:

Minimal Equipment WOD

For quality:
left arm db floor press
right arm db floor press
push-up plus db tap*
Then 3 rounds of:
20 rainbow planks
1/side turkish get up
20 windshield wipers
1/side turkish get up
Then 10-8-6-4-2
right leg single leg db RDL
left leg db RDL
kb (or db) russian swing
right leg split stance goblet lunge
left leg split stance goblet lunge
*For pushups, place db a few feet from hands. After every pushup, extend one arm to touch the db. After the next pushup, extend the other arm to touch the db. So one rep is one pushup plus one db tap.

Bodyweight WOD

A) 10 rounds for time of:
10 bent over backpack rows
10 lateral hops over backpack
10 backpack squat cleans
10 lateral hops over backpack
*20 minute time cap

B) For quality:
3 rounds of:
20 second handstand hold + 10-20 shoulder taps
20 second left side plank + 15 hip raises in side plank
20 second right side plank + 15 hip raises in side plank
30 second bottom of good morning hold with weight on back of shoulders
