Wednesday, April 8th 2020

*See facebook video for explanation of movements in bodyweight WOD

60 second couch stretch/side
Then 10-8-6-4-2
cuban press
long lunges
alternating leg kicks
plank to pushup
feet together air squats

Minimal Equipment (Monday – Saturday 8am)
Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am)

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 5 minute AMRAP:
5 burpee tuck jumps
10 db split jerk (5/arm)*
10 air squats
Rest 2 minutes
Then 7 minute AMRAP:
7 burpees over db
8 db hang squat cleans (4/arm)
9 sit-ups
Rest 3 minutes
Then for time:
10 burpee tuck jumps
15 burpees over db
20 db split jerks (10/arm)
30 db hang squat cleans (15/arm)
40 air squats
50 situps
*28 minute time cap
*On single arm db split jerks, if I jerk with the db in my left arm, my right foot goes in front. If I have the db in my right arm, my left foot goes in front. Remember the rep is not finished until you recover both of your feet back under your hips before you lower the db

B) Accessory Work:
3 rounds of
12 lat pullovers
12 side lateral raises (holding light dbs/plates or household objects)
12/side single leg elevated glute bridges

Bodyweight WOD

For quality
3 rounds total of the following:

20 backpack/odd object plank pass throughs
20 sit-ups with hands interlocked behind neck
20 slow rotational mountain climbers
Rest approx 30 seconds
Then 45 second wall sit with arms locked out overhead
5/side sliding single leg cossack squats*
10/side jumping bulgarian split squats*
Rest approx 30 seconds
Then 15 chair dips
1 wall walk
15 backpack strict press
1 wall walk
Then rest approx 2 minutes before starting round 2
*See fb video for explanation of asterisk movements
*Modify wall walk to 2 reps of inchworm out past plank position. See video for demo
*30 minute time cap

Functional Bodybuilding (7:00 am)

2 Sets
8 Prisoner Kang Squats
10 Cossack Squats (Total)
12 Prone Snow Angels

A1) KB/DB Kang Squat: 10-12 Reps
A2) KB SL Glute Bridge; 10-12 Reps/Leg; Rest 2min x 3 sets

B1) OH Contralateral Split Squat: 8-10/Leg
B2) Torso Row: 10-12/side
B3) 30-40sec OH March; Rest 1-2min x 3 sets

C) 3 Sets for Premium Quality:
30 Plank Army Crawlers
Wall Sit w/pulse: 30-40sec
Rest as needed
