Thursday, April 9th 2020


12 x 20 secs on 20 secs off:
1) high knees
2) 90 degree squat hold
3) plank shoulder taps
4) weighted good mornings

Minimal Equipment (
Monday – Saturday 8am):

Bodyweight Workout (Monday – Saturday 10am):

Minimal Equipment WOD

A) 12 minute ascending ladder
2 left arm suitcase deadlifts
2 left arm bent over rows
2 left arm weighted step ups
25 double unders
2 right arm suitcase deadlifts
2 right arm bent over rows
2 right arm weighted step ups
25 double unders
Then 4-4-4-4 25 DU 4-4-4-4 25 DU….
*Keep ascending by 2 reps each round. Double under reps stay the same
*Hold weight to the side like a farmer’s carry on step ups. If you can’t do step ups, sub lunges holding db same way.
*Sub 25 lateral db hops for DU
B) 12 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 4-8 strict HSPU or pike/box modified HSPU
2) 10 right side plank rotations
3) 5/arm db arnold press, controlled tempo
4) 10 left side plank rotations

Bodyweight WOD

A) Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes complete:
5 burpee broad jumps
10-15 backpack goblet squats
30 mountain climbers

B) 3 rounds for quality:
10-15 odd object RDLs
10 bear crawl in and outs
20 second L-sit hold *Hands on 2 chairs
